剑桥国际英语教程 pdf epub mobi txt azw3 2024 电子版 下载


书名:剑桥国际英语教程,English for Success


作者:David Crystal, with contributions from a team of experienced language teachers

出版社:Cambridge University Press






  • 以实际生活场景为背景,帮助学习者提高英语应用能力。
  • 丰富的练习和活动,激发学习兴趣,提高学习效率。
  • 注重听说读写四项技能的均衡发展。
  • 配套资源丰富,包括音频、视频、在线练习等。




  • 初级至中级英语学习者
  • 英语教师
  • 英语培训机构






  1. Introduction
  2. Unit 1: Getting to know you
  3. Unit 2: What's your name?
  4. Unit 3: Where are you from?
  5. Unit 4: What do you do?
  6. Unit 5: How do you feel?
  7. Unit 6: What do you like?
  8. Unit 7: What do you think?
  9. Unit 8: What's happening?
  10. Unit 9: What are you doing?
  11. Unit 10: What's the weather like?
  12. Review 1
  13. Unit 11: How was your holiday?
  14. Unit 12: What's your job?
  15. Unit 13: What do you do at work?
  16. Unit 14: What do you think about your job?
  17. Unit 15: What's your opinion?
  18. Unit 16: What's happening at work?
  19. Unit 17: What are you doing at work?
  20. Unit 18: What's the weather like at work?
  21. Review 2
  22. Unit 19: What did you do last weekend?
  23. Unit 20: What do you do in your free time?
  24. Unit 21: What do you like to do?
  25. Unit 22: What do you think about your hobbies?
  26. Unit 23: What's happening in your free time?
  27. Unit 24: What are you doing in your free time?
  28. Unit 25: What's the weather like in your free time?
  29. Review 3
  30. Unit 26: What did you do last week?
  31. Unit 27: What do you do at school?
  32. Unit 28: What do you like to do at school?
  33. Unit 29: What do you think about your school?
  34. Unit 30: What's happening at school?
  35. Unit 31: What are you doing at school?
  36. Unit 32: What's the weather like at school?
  37. Review 4
  38. Unit 33: What did you do last month?
  39. Unit 34: What do you do in your city?
  40. Unit 35: What do you like to do in your city?
  41. Unit 36: What do you think about your city?
  42. Unit 37: What's happening in your city?
  43. Unit 38: What are you doing in your city?
  44. Unit 39: What's the weather like in your city?
  45. Review 5
  46. Unit 40: What did you do last year?
  47. Unit 41: What do you do in your country?
  48. Unit 42: What do you like to do in your country?
  49. Unit 43: What do you think about your country?
  50. Unit 44: What's happening in your country?
  51. Unit 45: What are you doing in your country?
  52. Unit 46: What's the weather like in your country?
  53. Review 6
  54. Unit 47: What did you do in the past?
  55. Unit 48: What do you do now?
  56. Unit 49: What do you like to do now?
  57. Unit 58: What do you think about your past?
  58. Unit 59: What's happening now?
  59. Unit 60: What are you doing now?
  60. Unit 61: What's the weather like now?
  61. Review 7
  62. Unit 62: What will you do in the future?
  63. Unit 64: What do you think about your future?
  64. Unit 65: What's happening in the future?
  65. Unit 66: What will you do in the future?
  66. Unit 67: What's the weather like in the future?
  67. Review 8
  68. Unit 68: What have you done?
  69. Unit 69: What do you do?
  70. Unit 70: What do you like to do?
  71. Unit 71: What do you think about what you've done?
  72. Unit 72: What's happening now?
  73. Unit 73: What are you doing now?
  74. Unit 74: What's the weather like now?
  75. Review 9
  76. Unit 75: What are you going to do?
  77. Unit 76: What do you think about what you're going to do?
  78. Unit 77: What's happening in the future?
  79. Unit 78: What are you going to do in the future?
  80. Unit 79: What's the weather like in the future?
  81. Review 10
  82. Unit 83: What have you learned?
  83. Unit 84: What do you think about what you've learned?
  84. Unit 85: What's happening now?
  85. Unit 86: What are you doing now?
  86. Unit 87: What's the weather like now?
  87. Review 11
  88. Unit 88: What are you going to learn?
  89. Unit 89: What do you think about what you're going to learn?
  90. Unit 90: What's happening in the future?
  91. Unit 91: What are you going to do in the future?
  92. Unit 92: What's the weather like in the future?
  93. Review 12


David Crystal 是一位著名的语言学家和作家,著有数十本关于语言和英语学习的书籍。他的作品以深入浅出、实用性强而受到读者喜爱。


David Crystal 的作品以通俗易懂、实用性强而著称。他善于将复杂的语言现象以简单易懂的方式呈现给读者。


  • "The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language" by David Crystal
  • "English as a Global Language" by David Crystal







  1. 实用性强,适合各个层次的英语学习者。
  2. 丰富的练习和活动,激发学习兴趣,提高学习效率。
  3. 注重听说读写四项技能的均衡发展。


  1. 部分内容可能对初学者来说难度较大。
  2. 部分练习和活动可能需要教师引导。









  • 出版社:Cambridge University Press
  • 购买渠道:各大书店、网上书店


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  • 图书馆资源:许多公共图书馆提供电子书借阅服务,你可以通过[图书馆名称]的网站免费借阅《剑桥国际英语教程》的PDF版本。
  • 学术资源:如果你是学生或教师,可以通过[大学/机构名称]的图书馆系统访问该书的电子版。
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  1. 相似之处

    • 都以实际生活场景为背景,帮助学习者提高英语应用能力。
    • 都注重听说读写四项技能的均衡发展。
  2. 不同之处

    • 《剑桥国际英语教程》更注重实用性和实际应用能力的培养。
    • 其他同类型书籍可能更注重语法和词汇的学习。


  1. 优势

    • 其他同类型书籍可能更注重语法和词汇的学习,适合学习者系统性地学习英语。
  2. 不足

    • 部分同类型书籍可能缺乏实际应用能力的培养。



  1. 用户1:9.0/10,非常实用的英语学习教材,推荐给所有英语学习者。
  2. 用户2:8.5/10,内容丰富,练习和活动设计得很好,但部分内容对初学者来说难度较大。
  3. 用户3:8.0/10,适合各个层次的英语学习者,但需要教师引导。
  4. 用户4:7.5/10,实用性强,但部分练习和活动可能需要改进。
  5. 用户5:6.5/10,适合有一定英语基础的学习者,但对初学者来说可能难度较大。